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Who We Are




  • Rob Rodger

  • Tony Jellard

  • David McQuitty

  • John Campion

  • Rob Malcolmson

  • Simon Waters


Rob Rodger

Rob is a Chartered Landscape Architect who set up the practice after working in the North of England, Buckinghamshire, and abroad.  He is a talented designer with a wealth of detailed design and project implementation experience.  A significant amount of this experience relates to regeneration, public realm and leisure related schemes, particularly parks and gardens.  His work includes responsibility for much of the detailed design of the National Botanic Garden of Wales as well as the detailed design of the award winning public realm schemes in Hereford & Chester.


Tony Jellard

Based near Abergavenny Tony is a Chartered Landscape Architect with extensive private sector experience working on a wide range of commissions. His portfolio includes a number of flagship projects including Garden Festival Wales, where he was the design co-ordinator, the National Botanic Garden of Wales, Llanelli Waterfront Regeneration, and Grove Place Retirement Village. Besides his flair for masterplanning and planting design, he has considerable experience of landscape planning work relating to sensitive sites on behalf of both public sector clients, such as the National Trust and Countryside Council for Wales, along with a variety of private sector developers.


David McQuitty

David is a Chartered Landscape Architect with over 30 years experience which includes the restoration of historic parks & gardens. His portfolio includes term consultant to the Royal Parks Agency, Royal Palaces at Hampton Court, Lyme Park, & more recently a £5m HLF park restoration at Antrim Castle Gardens in Northern Ireland. David has extensive experience of landscape planning projects undertaking landscape assessments for numerous development projects. He is a skilled negotiator dealing with the often complex landscape aspects of planning applications & is an experienced expert witness at planning inquiries.


John Campion

A Chartered Landscape Architect in both the Design & Management Divisions John also has a planning degree & is a full Member of the Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management and qualified to undertake ecological surveys. Much of John's current and recent work is planning-related, undertaking landscape assessments & ecology surveys for major infrastructure projects as well as for more modest local development schemes.


Rob Malcolmson

Rob is a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute with more than 20 years' experience of landscape work. He has specialised in the field of landscape planning and has, since 2006 worked extensively on successive Framework Agreements with Countryside Council for Wales. Rob brings to bear an in-depth knowledge of undertaking landscape character & environmental impact assessments. In particular he has an extensive knowledge of the landscape of Wales through his direct involvement with LANDMAP studies producing Visual & Sensory Aspect data.


Simon Waters

A qualifies Civil Engineer with qualifications in Civic Design and a member of the Association of Project Safety Simon has spent most of his career in local government, latterly Chester City Council. Simon now provides engineering advice and acts as CDM-C although this role is changing under alterations to present legislation. Simons work has included infrastructure works throughout Chester, in particular on several Park & Ride Schemes and to the River Dee Cycle Path including flood defences. He has been responsible for specialist lighting schemes notably at Wrexham Road Park & Ride.

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